Masterful innovation: high-end mock-up for Airbus 380 business class seats

Initial situation: 
Robert Hofmann GmbH was commissioned to create a mock-up of 28 business class seats in various configurations for the Airbus 380. The challenge was that only the surface data of the design was available, while all functional elements had to be redesigned.

In addition, the seats were to have high-quality surfaces in soft-touch paint and be installed in the original aircraft fuselage.

The main task was to interpret the existing design and redesign all the necessary functional components. This included not only the development of the seat structures, but also the integration of mechanisms for the full functionality of the seats, including pneumatic seat cushions. The requirements for high-quality surfaces and precise fitting into the aircraft fuselage posed additional challenges.

Solution approach: 
To manage the complexity of the project, a foam model was first constructed to define the cabin dimensions and provide a visual idea of the final product. A detailed technical model was then developed to check all functional components and ensure they met the requirements.

Thanks to a dedicated team of engineers and specialists, Robert Hofmann GmbH managed to complete the project on schedule. The high-end mock-up of the business class seats for the Airbus 380 was successfully designed and produced. One particular challenge was that the mock-up first had to be assembled in Lichtenfels and then transported to Toulouse, France, where it had to be reassembled. This logistical challenge was also successfully mastered.

All in all, this project showed that Robert Hofmann GmbH is not only capable of mastering complex requirements, but also of developing innovative solutions for challenging tasks in the aerospace sector.

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